Monday, January 15, 2007

On anniversaries, baby knits and banker boneheads

The exchange I mentioned in my last post was part of the Salt Lake City SnB* third anniversary celebrations last Tuesday. Margene and Susan have better posts and pictures than I can manage. I got this cute purse knit (it's lined and divided into 2 sections!) by Jacquie as part of the exchange. Check out her site for the details.

We also got a really generous gift of handmade soap from Laurie.

I'm still procrastinating on Arisaig and Shedir by working on this baby sweater for a friend's brand new baby. The design is based on Barbara Walker's top-down kimono.

This photo shows the sweater after I've worked the top, grafted the sleeves, formed the gusset and finished the neckline increases. Note to self: practice grafting!

Here's what the underarm gusset decreases look like. I opted for centered decreases that line up with the grafted stitches.

In other news, it's not easy to grow a small business in a niche market. Being undermined by your bank doesn't help. Fortunately for Blue Moon Fiber Arts, their business will recover. The Yarn Harlot has the story so far.
The bank in question apparently needs to figure out how to handle security and fraud concerns without treating their clients like criminals by default (a fallacy in some security schemes, take DRM for example, and check out Bill Gates' take on the subject). I'm getting off the soapbox now.

Updated (01/21/07) to add:

Guess what made the Freakonomics blog (love those guys)?

* Musn't use the forbidden words S****h and B***h.

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